5 Tactics to Promote Your Nonprofit’s Awareness Campaign Video Transcript: HI! I’m Julia McDowell, founder and chief marketing strategist of Five Ones, a creative collaborative dedicated to the work of nonprofits and associations. Welcome to the High-Five Nonprofit Marketing Ideas, my video series dedicated to marketing and fundraising topics. The topic du jour? Five...

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Data-Backed Advice for PSAs in 2021

As many marketers are aware, 2020 heavily impacted many sectors, including nonprofits. Public service announcements help spread the message for many causes, so the past year, more than ever, seemed to be the best time to utilize this special channel. But with the media overwhelmed...

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The Best of COVID-19 PSAs

In times of need, we turn to the airwaves. Not only as viewers, but also as marketers with critical missions to support. Whether it’s to rally help after a natural disaster, a way to care for troops as they return home from duty, or an...

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